Hi Au Pairs!
Have you already decided that you want to be an Au Pair?
Many times we make the decision, but it isn’t until the moment we start sending messages to families when we see that it becomes reality.
And more when they start answering!
In fact, this process of finding host-family is the most important and where more doubts arise.
Principally, all of this process depends that our experience going well. But…
Don’t be overwhelmed!
There are so many families in Ireland wishing to host Au pairs and many Internet sites where they offer you the opportunity to contact these families.
Some pages are of payment, especially those that are agencies and they assure you another series of services, besides to find you a family.
Based on my experience, to go as an Au Pair to Ireland I don’t think it’s necessary to contact with an agency.
I see it more convenient for other countries like EE.UU.
That’s why I’m going to tell you the best free pages to find family in Ireland.
For the most part, they will also help you find host-family in other countries, both in Europe and outside the European Union.
Without a doubt, the page par excellence for host-family search or Au pairs is AuPairWorld.
It has got more than 15,000 families registered all over the world, making it one of the best free pages.
You just have to complete:
- Initial data on your nationality
- Gender (girl/boy)
- Where do you want to work as an Au Pair (you can choose more than one country)?
- How long you want to work as an Au Pair (in months)?
- When do you want to start your stay?
With it you can already access to see all the complete profiles of the host-families that fit your search.

The only thing, to be able to contact them by private message you must register for free.
For the registration you require your personal data and contact, language knowledge and other information about you (nationality, if you are a smoker or have a driver’s license).
Your profile is complete later.
If you want to know how create the best AuPairWorld profile, click here.
As you can see, is very simple and fast and his experience makes many families trust the page and don’t hesitate to choose the Au Pair by this way.
I found my family here!
For me it is the best option for the following reasons:
- The registration is very simple and the page easy to use.
- You can see many families at once with a full profile and images to compare.
- You can choose different countries at the same time.
- There is no limit to the number of families you can contact.
- Every day you get to the email the new registered families that match your search and preferences.
In my opinion, AuPair.com could be considered as the twin sister of AuPairWorld, but more unknown and with fewer registered families.
The overall operation is the same. You can make a first search by choosing:
- Country of destination (have families registered all over the world).
- Region (if you want to live in a large city, town, in the countryside, etc.).
- Nationality of the family (if you have some preference).
- Duration of stay (in months).
- Number of children you prefer to be in charge of.
- Age of the children.
- Your age.
- Do you smoke?
- Gender (girl / boy).
- Start date of the stay.
- Finally, they let you choose to see only those family profiles with photos. Take this option!

Again, to be able to contact the families you must be registered free and then you’re ready to send messages.
Make sure the messages are personalized!
In my experience, I created a profile in both AuPairWorld and AuPair.com and I was talking to host-families in both of them.
In fact, the first family I thought would be the ultimate was in AuPair.com. Although finally, by date topic, it wasn’t possible.
I think AuPairWorld is a little easier to use and gives more possibilities, but it’s your decision!
Yeah, Facebook.
Another of the best free pages of the list and well known by all.
The groups created for Au pairs are a very good tool.
In them you can share experiences, meet other au pairs thatlive near your area and see many host-families who are looking for Au pair.
The best?
Usually are their own current Au pairs that announce it, so you have already someone with whom you can speak by private message and in a personalized way.
And if the Au Pair speaks your language is better.
You can talk by Skype or give you the WhatsApp number so you will be super informed.

In Spanish, the groups I’ve seen where you can find host-families are:
- Au pair españolas en irlanda:
It’s a public group with more than 7,000 members where the Au Pairs publish constantly new post describing their families in search of a new Au Pair.
- Au Pairs en Irlanda:
It’s also a public group with more than 3,000 members and almost daily publications of Au Pairs who finish their stay and look for someone to take their place.
- Au pairs españolas en Irlanda:
In this case it’s a closed group with more than 4,400 members and daily messages looking for new Au Pairs for host-families whose Spanish Au Pair is leaving.
- Aupairs españolas en Irlanda:
Closed group that has already 1,500 members. Less often, but you can also find Au Pairs ads that leave their family and look for someone to replace them.
- Spanish Au Pairs in Ireland:
Public group with more than 4,500 members. As you can see in the name, the only difference to the previous groups is that the ads are in English.
- Au pairs español@s en Cork:
You can also find more focused groups in certain areas of Ireland, especially big cities like Cork.
In this case, it’s a public group with more than 2,000 members between Au Pairs who end their adventure and others who are looking for family or are already there.
- Au Pairs Españolas en Irlanda 2017/2018 turismo y excursiones:
As its name suggests, this closed group focuses mainly on tourism in Ireland, but you can also find a message to find a family.
Its administrator has also been Au Pair and has a travel blog.
- Au Pair Experience en Irlanda:
I present the group of this blog Au Pair Irlanda 😉
It is an open group where you can publish post, travel ideas to do in Ireland, share family searches and many tips between Au pairs.
Not part of the group yet? Come on!
You will find another international Facebook groups to be Au Pair in Ireland or in other country:
- Au Pair in Dublin (more than 11.000 members)
- Au Pair in Cork – Ireland
- Au Pair in Ireland (more than 11.700 members)
- Au Pair living in Ireland 2019
- Au Pair in Co.Cork 2019
Kangaroo au pair
Checking if there were new pages for family search, I found Kangaroo Au Pair.
If you know or have found host-family on this page, it would be great to put it in the comments so we can all get an idea.
From what I’ve seen, you can create a profile account with your data and find families.
But you can’t send them personalized messages if you don’t hire the €39 Premium account for 60 days of access.
It’s another option!
Although as I say, it would be better if someone with experience tells us how it works 😉
And here are the best free pages to find family in Ireland.
Do not hesitate to create a profile or follow as many groups as possible.
Do not lose anything and you may thus find your host-family.
In addition, in all cases you can activate the notifications to not miss an advertisement.
On Facebook you have to be more attentive, but the biggest advantage is that you can contact the previous Au Pair directly.
I hope you serve in your search and don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information from any of them or some kind of doubt arises.